Email Analysis & Feedback Add-On
See why we’re the best solution to improve the effectiveness of technological security & reduce risk!
Gather insights, automatically categorize threats, and deliver real-time feedback on every reported email to employees so you can focus on optimizing your program to deliver outstanding results.
- Action 93% of reported emails automatically and provide instant feedback to employees so you can save time and focus on the real threats swimming through your filters.
- Detect and categorize 90% of malicious emails with confidence through powerful machine learning - helping security teams make timely decisions about the riskiest attacks.
- Save an average of 31 hours per month on email analysis and triage. Streamline business efficiencies by optimizing your program to maximize every minute invested in security awareness.

Time is our most valuable asset - the Analyst's ability to take a job and half or quarter the amount of effort and time you have to put in to get that work done is amazing. . . The tool makes it easier to see what's important, not just what's reported, and what I should be actioning first. The Analyst goes a long way in saving our team time and helping strengthen our cybersecurity efforts.

Cybersecurity Analyst
Post Secondary Institution